
我們的最新的質性分析軟體NVivo 10 能讓您組織和分析由資訊、探索和構思模式、證明您的發現並與他人共享您的工作。從網頁,線上PDF文件,Facebook貼文LinkedIn討論群組,Evernote 影音記事或Twitter文章擷取素材並匯入使用!讓您輕鬆並精準取得動態資訊!速度比N9快50%!

For the first time ever, there is a single solution for collecting, organizing and analyzing the most comprehensive range of non-numeric data – including web and social media content.
Now you can easily perform both traditional and online qualitative research – and bring a new level of quality and effectiveness to your work or study.

NVivo 10 introduces a range of new features and enhancements:

A. Capture and work with web pages and online PDFs

B. Import Facebook posts, LinkedIn discussions and tweets from Twitter

C. Automatically code social media data quickly and easily visualize the results

D. Work with content like memos, photos and web clips from Evernote

E. NVivo 10 is even more user-friendly and efficient to use

F. Handles 150% more data than NVivo 9

G. Performs 50% faster than NVivo 9






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